List a Project

At SchindlersX, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive and supportive platform for tokenized Real-World Asset (RWA) projects. When you choose to list your project with us, you gain access to a wide range of benefits and services that will help propel your project to new heights. Here are some of the features you will enjoy when listing with us:

Smart Contracts Simplified

Trust our experts to power your assets. Leave the smart contract development to us. Our expert team will handle the development of your token smart contract, ensuring its functionality, security, and compliance with industry standards.

You can trust us to create a robust and reliable smart contract that powers your tokenized assets.

Pitch Perfect
We provide a professionally designed front page template for your project’s pitch.

All you need to do is adapt the template with the details and imagery in relation to your project.

This serves as an engaging and informative space where you can showcase all the relevant details and specifications of your project, capturing the attention of potential investors and participants.
Integrity Officer

Your project will be assigned an Integrity Officer. The Integrity Officer serves as a point of contact for token purchasers, answering inquiries, providing guidance, and addressing any concerns or issues they may have.

They facilitate effective communication between the marketplace and the users to enhance transparency and trust.

In case of disputes between token purchasers and sellers, the Integrity Officer acts as a mediator and facilitator.

They review the evidence provided by both parties, conduct investigations if necessary, and work towards resolving the conflict in a fair and unbiased manner.

Professional Token Auditors

Your token will undergo a thorough audit to ensure compliance, security, and authenticity.

The token audit stamp of approval adds an extra layer of trust and credibility to your project, enhancing its marketability and appeal to investors.

Each audit report provides an independent valuation of the Real-World Asset to ensure that the value of the token accurately reflects the value of the underlying asset, includes verification in relation to ownership and authenticity. The audit report will verify that the token is unique and represents ownership of the Real-World Asset; traces the chain of custody of the asset to ensure that it has not been stolen or acquired through fraudulent means; ensures that the ownership of the asset and the transfer of ownership through the token are legal and comply with relevant laws and regulations, and verifies the technical specifications of the token. 

You are free to appoint your own token auditor or we can appoint one for you. Please note that the token audit fee report is not included in the listing fee.

Schindlers Legal Support

Imagine a scenario where a company you have invested in on the SchindlersX platform defaults. Instead of feeling helpless, Schindlers Attorneys step in as your reliable allies. Their dedicated legal team will actively pursue debt recovery on your behalf, ensuring that your investment is not lost. With Schindlers Attorneys by your side, you can regain your investment confidence, knowing that your financial interests are vigorously protected in the face of adversity.

* This service is limited to projects where Schindlers Protection is offered and is subject to the Schindlers Protection terms and conditions.

We also provide access to our team of experienced legal professionals in other instances were you require  guidance and support throughout your project’s journey.

You can trust in the legal expertise of Schindlers to navigate any regulatory and compliance matters. Schindlers standard rates and terms and conditions apply.

Smart Contracts Simplified

Trust our experts to power your assets. Leave the smart contract development to us. Our expert team will handle the development of your token smart contract, ensuring its functionality, security, and compliance with industry standards.

You can trust us to create a robust and reliable smart contract that powers your tokenized assets.

Pitch Perfect
We provide a professionally designed front page template for your project’s pitch.

All you need to do is adapt the template with the details and imagery in relation to your project.

This serves as an engaging and informative space where you can showcase all the relevant details and specifications of your project, capturing the attention of potential investors and participants.
Integrity Officer
Your project will be assigned an Integrity Officer. The Integrity Officer serves as a point of contact for NFT purchasers, answering inquiries, providing guidance, and addressing any concerns or issues they may have.

They facilitate effective communication between the marketplace and the users to enhance transparency and trust.

In case of disputes between NFT purchasers and sellers, the Integrity Officer acts as a mediator and facilitator. They review the evidence provided by both parties, conduct investigations if necessary, and work towards resolving the conflict in a fair and unbiased manner.
Professional Token Auditors

Your token will undergo a thorough audit to ensure compliance, security, and authenticity.

The token audit stamp of approval adds an extra layer of trust and credibility to your project, enhancing its marketability and appeal to investors.

Each audit report provides an independent valuation of the Real-World Asset to ensure that the value of the token accurately reflects the value of the underlying asset, includes verification in relation to ownership and authenticity. The audit report will verify that the token is unique and represents ownership of the Real-World Asset; traces the chain of custody of the asset to ensure that it has not been stolen or acquired through fraudulent means; ensures that the ownership of the asset and the transfer of ownership through the token is legal and comply with relevant laws and regulations, and verifies the technical specifications of the token. 

You are free to appoint your own token auditor or we can appoint one for you. Please note that the token audit fee report is not included in the listing fee.

Schindlers Legal Support

Imagine a scenario where a company you have invested in on the SchindlersX platform defaults. Instead of feeling helpless, Schindlers Attorneys step in as your reliable allies. Their dedicated legal team will actively pursue debt recovery on your behalf, ensuring that your investment is not lost. With Schindlers Attorneys by your side, you can regain your investment confidence, knowing that your financial interests are vigorously protected in the face of adversity.

* This service is limited to projects where Schindlers Protection is offered and is subject to the Schindlers Protection terms and conditions.

We also provide access to our team of experienced legal professionals in other instances were you require  guidance and support throughout your project’s journey.

You can trust in the legal expertise of Schindlers to navigate any regulatory and compliance matters. Schindlers standard rates and terms and conditions apply.

Automated ROI Distribution

Our team will handle the smart contract development and deployment for the ROI/revenue distribution on your RWA tokens.

We understand the importance of providing a seamless and transparent process for generating returns for RWA token holders. Our experts will ensure the integration of smart contract functionality that enables automatic ROI calculations and revenue distribution to token holders.

Through this feature, your project can offer attractive incentives to token holders, such as regular dividend payments or revenue sharing based on the performance of the underlying assets. By leveraging this power you can build a thriving ecosystem that rewards and incentivizes your community of investors and participants.

We are committed to empowering your RWA project for success, not only through the initial listing process but also by providing the necessary tools and infrastructure for ongoing revenue generation.

Our goal is to create a vibrant marketplace that drives value for all stakeholders and sets your project apart in the rapidly evolving world of digital assets.

Automated ROI distribution

Our team will handle the smart contract development and deployment for the ROI/revenue distribution on your RWA token.

We understand the importance of providing a seamless and transparent process for generating returns for RWA token holders. Our experts will ensure the integration of smart contract functionality that enables automatic ROI calculations and revenue distribution to token holders.

Through this feature, your project can offer attractive incentives to token holders, such as regular dividend payments or revenue sharing based on the performance of the underlying assets. By leveraging this power you can build a thriving ecosystem that rewards and incentivizes your community of investors and participants.

We are committed to empowering your RWA project for success, not only through the initial listing process but also by providing the necessary tools and infrastructure for ongoing revenue generation.

Our goal is to create a vibrant marketplace that drives value for all stakeholders and sets your project apart in the rapidly evolving world of digital assets.

No Blockchain Experience Required
We make it easy for RWA projects to participate in the tokenization revolution, even if you have no prior blockchain experience.

Our user-friendly platform and comprehensive support ensure a smooth and accessible listing process for everyone.
Seamless Payments
We enable integration with Binance Pay, allowing you to tap into the vast Binance global community and offer convenient payment options.

Additionally, our mastercard merchant license enables smooth transactions through Paygate, expanding the reach of your project’s offerings.
Powerful Partnerships
By listing with us, you gain access to our extensive network of partners, including asset managers and Schindlers’ trusted partners.

These partnerships create synergies and opportunities for collaboration, expanding the reach and impact of your project.
Go Global, Gain More

Tap into a vibrant global buying market, providing increased visibility and opportunities for engagement with a diverse range of investors and participants.

No Blockchain Experience Required
We make it easy for RWA projects to participate in the tokenization revolution, even if you have no prior blockchain experience.

Our user-friendly platform and comprehensive support ensure a smooth and accessible listing process for everyone.
Seamless Payments
We enable integration with Binance Pay, allowing you to tap into the vast Binance global community and offer convenient payment options.

Additionally, our mastercard merchant license enables smooth transactions through Paygate, expanding the reach of your project’s offerings.
Powerful Partnerships
By listing with us, you gain access to our extensive network of partners, including asset managers and Schindlers’ trusted partners.

These partnerships create synergies and opportunities for collaboration, expanding the reach and impact of your project.
Go Global, Gain More

Tap into a vibrant global buying market, providing increased visibility and opportunities for engagement with a diverse range of investors and participants.

Unite. Connect. Prosper.

Join a Thriving Community and Connect to Other Listing Project Communities and Investors: By joining our marketplace, you become part of a vibrant ecosystem of listing projects, enabling you to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and tap into a community of potential investors and supporters.

We Mint for You

We take care of the entire token minting process, from metadata JSON setup and development to the actual minting on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Our team will ensure a smooth and seamless minting experience, helping you bring your digital assets to life on the blockchain.

Ongoing Tech Support
We provide continuous technical support to your buyers and sellers, ensuring a seamless user experience and addressing any technical issues promptly.

Our dedicated support agents are available to assist with any queries or concerns, allowing you to focus on the growth and success of your own project.
Secure Hosting
Your project’s data and sensitive information will be securely hosted on our HIPAA-compliant servers, providing a high level of data protection and confidentiality.
DeFi Wallets
Your project will benefit from seamless integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols and wallets.

This includes popular options like MetaMask and WalletConnect, opening up a world of possibilities for your users to interact with your tokens and engage in decentralized trading and financial activities.